Blender tutorial - Pearls - Part 2

Pearls - Part 2

Modelling the box

This part sounds about the creation of the pearlbox. This object is very simple with some extrusion and distraction.

Start with a plane

Add a simple plane, switch to Edit Mode and use the Inset tool to determine the thickness of the walls.

Select all top faces and Extrude them along the Z-axis to determine the thickness off the bottom of the box.

Deselect the centre face and use Extrude tool again to determine the height of the box

Add natural look

Select the outer edges of the box and use the Bevel tool (CTRL+B) to add some natural feeling to it (sharp edges are rare).

Add some distortion to the box by moving vertices randomly inward and outward. This makes the look more natural. If you don't want to see paper-box like effect, simply skip this step.

Final step

 And finally switch back to Object Mode and set the shading to Smooth by using the context menu (Right Mouse Click > Shade Smooth).
