Lightmeter - prototype

This is my lightmeter project for taking properly exposed photos with my Canon DSLR. I prefer simple solutions and quick building processes.


  • Some Atmel microcontroller with SPI, I2C and at least 6 GPIO pins (optionally with Arduino support). Currently I am using Arduino Nano for prototyping.
  • BH1750 light intensity sensor
  • Some BH1750 Arduino library (for example: here) - This is also usable with my code with little modifications
  • Nokia 5110 LCD
  • LCD5110_Graph Arduino library (from here)
  • 3-4 tactile buttons (4 for the implementation of the HOLD function)
  • Prototype board
  • Wires for prototyping

Prototype board setup

Prototype board with HOLD button setup

Hold button is the rightmost button connected to D8

Simplified program workflow



References and additional information
